Showing posts with label Consumer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consumer. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In the Library

No, that's not where I am. That's the name of a scent. Seriously. I'm not making this up.

The creator is Christopher Brosius and according to this article (well, blog post) he describes In the Library as

"First Edition, Russian and Moroccan Leather, Binding Cloth and a hint of Wood Polish

I don't know. I like books. I like the smells of libraries. But I'm not sure I want to wear it.

h/t bookninja

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I've always been a Coke person, not a Pepsi person.  And these days I don't count as even a Coke person.  I stopped drinking soda last April.  It wasn't intentional, I just noticed one day that I had stopped drinking it.  (For you Chicago people, I'm talking about pop.)

But this might cause me to fall off the wagon:

... we have news of sugar-sweetened versions of some PepsiCo products coming soon. Per Beverage Industry magazine, the names will be Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback ... This is a big deal since mainstream soft drinks in the United States are sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Typically, the only way to get soda from the "big guys" with real sugar is to import it (i.e., Mexican Coke) or wait till Passover (Kosher Coke, Kosher Pepsi).

It's your move Coke.


Stone Yard Devotional by Charlotte Wood

A number of years ago I served on the Board of Directors of a private Catholic girls high school. The school was sponsored by an order of nu...