Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mr. Popper To Come to the Big Screen

I was excited to read that a film version of Mr. Popper’s Penguins is in the offing.

"Mr. Popper" is the tale of a house painter whose dreams of Arctic exploration prompt him to write letters to real explorers. One of them sends him a penguin, which he keeps in an icebox. Soon, Mr. Popper receives a female penguin from a zoo and before he knows it, he has a litter of 12 beaked birds.

When the penguins start to eat him out of house and home, Mr. Popper forms Popper's Performing Penguins, a stage act that goes on tour and causes mayhem at every stop.

I remember the pictures in that book vividly. When we were kids one of my sisters had a teacher named Mrs. Popper.   She is forever linked in my mind with Mr. Popper.

h/t :  Book Bench

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to those who celebrate and have a good Sunday to those who don’t. 

And whether you celebrate or not – never trust a muppet monster dressed up like a bunny:

Friday, April 2, 2010

The End of the World as We Know it

Tomorrow the ipad will be released and the world as we know it will end.

Or something like that.

Lisa Peet’s Like Fire blog featured, a few days ago, this clever little film by UK publisher Dorling Kindersley about the future of publishing. It is both a creative use of word play and also a reminder not to fall into the trap of thinking that one person’s world view is the only world view:

As a reader, I am concerned with the current upheavals in the publishing industry.  Not as concerned as publishing companies are, of course.  Or authors, possibly. But I am concerned.  My concern is, of course, all about me.  I’m concerned that, during this current period of chaos, two things will happen that will affect me negatively: (1) big publishing houses will narrow the type of books that they choose to publish and they won’t be the type of books I want to read, and (2) the smaller publishing houses won’t have access to the capital necessary for them to take advantage of this opportunity and fill the void.

Yes, people living through the chaos of revolutions tend to be a bit selfish.  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cracking the Code

Booking through Thursday asks:

I spent the day with my friend’s twins the other day. Twins who are learning to read, sounding out the words, trying to make sense of the stories in their books, and it made me nostalgic for when I learned. I still remember the distinct moment that the concept of reading clicked, with a meglomaniacal realization that, all I needed to do was learn the words and I could read anything in the whole world. (That’s my kind of world domination.)

Do you remember learning to read? What’s your earliest reading memory?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It returns. Finally. And they are moving it from Wednesdays to Tuesdays so I might actually get to see it in real time and not via hulu.

I know Glee is not for everyone. Some people don’t like musicals. Some people who like musicals don’t like the idea of using pop music in them. Some people don’t like comedies built on caricature. Some people don’t like comedies with fantasy sequences.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Eye Yi Yi …

Personally, I think this looks really annoying:

  “In the above video a team of scientists at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI in German) leash eye-tracking technology from the Swedish firm Tobii Technology to HTML, CSS and JavaScript code, creating what they call “Text 2.0.”

Their technology is capable of monitoring your eyes in order to define words if you stare at them puzzled, eliminating non-essential information when you’re skimming, helping you pick up exactly where you left off, swapping images based on what you’re reading, surfacing relevant reference materials and more, as reported by h+ magazine.”

Please.  No.

“Granted, it might be a bit over-the-top to add contextual information about whales’ feeding habits to Moby Dick when your eye lingers on a certain passage for too long …”

Ya think?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reading 2666 by Robert Bolaño Week 10

This post is really about Weeks 8, 9 and 10  in the Group Read of Robert Bolaño’s novel 2666 because I took my birthday hiatus and didn’t post about it the last two weeks.  This is unfortunate because I’ve pretty much lost my thoughts for week 8 and 9, at least as separate thoughts. 

But here goes:

1.  It is also unfortunate that I haven’t been posting because this section, The Part About the Crimes, has been my favorite section so far even though … nothing has happened.  I think that by telling the story as a chronological summary of the women who died and the status of the investigation Bolaño creates a sense of narrative flow, even though there really is none.  Reading this, I still have no sense if this novel has a narrative or not.  In other words, at the end will I be able to see a beginning, a middle and an end to some story (maybe not the story I even think I might be reading)?  I have no idea what to expect. 

2.  This false sense of narrative flow seems appropriate for this section.  The police of Santa Teresa are not solving the crimes, they don’t seem to be working very hard to solve the crimes and yet they give the impression of moving forward with investigations.

3.  Bolaño created a compelling character in Klaus Haas.  Not a likeable character (not remotely a likeable character) but a character that compels me to read on and find out more about him.  The fact that he is mostly unmoved by the violence in the prison around him makes him a dangerous character, one who certainly could have committed the murders.  On the other hand, the murders have continued since Haas was imprisoned and so he either isn’t the murderer or isn’t the only murderer. 

4.  In other parts of this novel Bolaño creates characters who are aware of the murders but don’t really focus on them, in this part he has characters who are aware of the drug trade but don’t really focus on it.  Certainly the serial killing might not be by anyone connected with the drug trade, but you would think the police would look into it.  They don’t.   And the little hints that have been thrown that the top police are connected with the drug lords might mean that Klaus Haas was set up to be put in prison for all the murders to take the heat off of whoever is doing it.   It doesn’t seem that the women are connected with the drug trade but someone connected with a drug lord might be a serial killer   A family member perhaps?  Haas certainly seemed guilty of the murder he was investigated for (although a good lawyer might have been able to raise reasonable doubt) but he almost certainly isn’t the actual serial killer.  But he makes a good fall guy to take the heat off of someone else, at least for a while.  I’m interested in the periods during which there are no killings.  Is there someone connected with a powerful person who is out of town during those times?  Or “grounded” and forced to stay inside?  Ah, but I am falling into the trap of thinking this novel is a police procedural and we will find the murderer.  It isn’t.  We might not.  In fact, right now I’d bet that we won’t.

5.  I think one of the reasons I like this part better than the others is because there are so few women in it.   Sounds odd, doesn’t it?  An entire part about the killings of hundreds of women that  doesn’t have women in it?  But the women who are killed are corpses so I don’t count them. Their stores are written in such a procedural style that I can’t think of them as characters.  The family members left behind (if they are known) have some women but we don’t get to know them; we just witness their grief from the outside.  That leaves the insane asylum doctor as the only real women character (although at the end of this week’s reading another woman has been introduced but it isn’t clear if she’ll stay in the story yet).  And the doctor is an enigma.  I continue to think that Bolaño can’t (or won’t) write women.   We never really understand them the way he tries to make us understand his male characters.  And since I find that so frustrating, I find this part, which has no women, a relief.

6.  Still a lot of questions.   Does the fact that Klaus Haas is a tall German mean he is at all connected to Archimboldi?   He is too young to be Archimboldi himself.  But we seem to have lost sight of Archimboldi since The Part About the Critics.  The Part About Amalfitano seemed to take place during a period before Archimboldi allegedly came to Santa Teresa.  It is unclear when The Part About Fate took place but there is no mention of Archimboldi.  This part takes place  before the critic’s visit to Santa Teresa.  But perhaps Klaus Haas will provide an answer to why Archimboldi came to Santa Teresa (I looked at the table of contents, the next part is The Part About Archimboldi). 

7.  Toward the end of this week’s reading we really start getting hit with what a terrible place this is for women.  The sexist jokes told by the police that go on for pages.  The history of Lalo’s family in which almost every birth was the result of rape (although the women seem completely indifferent to the rapes.  Is this because they are strong women or is this because he can’t write women?).  The statistics given my Yolanda (the new woman character) about the number of rapes in Santa Teresa.  It’s astounding.

That’s about it.

Except for a little bit of humor.  Darryl over at Infinite Zombies says we should stick with the book because it gets really good after this section is over:

I don’t remember a whole lot about the final section from when I read it a year ago, but I do remember that it was during that final part that I began to see why people thought this was a good book. Hold on for two more weeks, my friends, and things will get better. The best writing, if I remember correctly, is yet to come.

In other words, once you finish the first 636 pages it’s really great!.  

July and August Reading

I was away on vacation at the end of July and never posted my July reading. So this post is a combined post for July and August.  In the pas...